Saturday, October 29, 2011


Hi girls,

Acesta este modelul pe care il port zilele astea. Am vrut ceva simplu si dragut. Imi amintesc ca am vazut ceva foarte asemanator pe un alt blog, insa nu-mi mai amintesc pe care blog.
This is the model I'm wearing these days. I wanted something simple and cute. I remember I've seen something similar on another blog, but I don't remember witch one.

Sper ca va place.
Hope you like it.
Thanks for watching.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My second one-stroke attempt

Hi girls,

Aceasta este a doua incercare de one-stroke. Nu prea sunt multumita de cum a iesit, culorile astea imi pare ca nu au o acoperire prea buna. Poate ca acrilicele mele nu sunt de o calitate prea buna... sau poate ca trebuie sa mai exersez... OK, le mai dau o sansa... o sa mai exersez. In primele dua imagini este modelul pe mana stanga.
This is my second one-stroke attempt. I am not very satisfied, it seems like the colors do not have a good coverage. Maybe my acrylics do not have a good quality... or maybe I should practice more... OK, I'll give them another chance... I'll keep practicing. This is the left hand design.

Pentru mana dreapta am facut modelul de doua ori. Nu mi-a placut cum a aratat modelul la inceput, asa ca am mai facut inca o data florile, peste cele initiale. De aceea, sunt culorile mai aprinse.
For the right hand I created the model twice. I didn't like how it initialy looked and I created the flowers again over the first ones. Therefore, the colors are more bright.

Thanks for watching.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Inspired models

Hi girls!

Imi pare rau ca nu prea sunt activa pe blog, insa hobby-ul meu nu ocupa primul loc printre prioritatile mele. Am un servici care ma tine ocupata aproape toata ziua, am o familie, trebuie sa duc copilul in fiecare dimineata la gradinita... iar seara sunt foarte obosita...
Intr-unul din weekend-uri am fost la munte... Frumos...
I am sorry that I can't be more active on my blog, but my hobby is not the first one in my life as priority. I have a job that keeps me busy almost the entire day, I have a family, I have to get my child every morning to the kindergarden... and in the evening I am very tired...
I've been to the mountain in one week-end... Beautiful...

Dar ajunge cu vorbaria... Astazi vreau sa va arat doua modele pentru care m-am inspirat de la Tartofraises.
Enough with the talks... I want to show you today two models I created inspired by Tartofraises.

La primul model m-am inspirat din acesta.
The first model was inspired by this one.

La al doilea model m-am inspirat din acesta. L-am ales pentru ca am avut o ocazie speciala si trebuia ca si unghiile sa fie mai "speciale".
The second model was inspired by this one. I chose this model because I had a special ocasion.

Sper ca v-au placut.
Hope you like them.
Thanks for reading.