Thursday, November 17, 2011

Burning fire

Hi girls,

Acesta este modelul pe care il am acum pe unghii. Am vrut sa creez niste flacari. Nu stiu cat de mult m-am apropiat de asta, insa imi place cum arata.
This is the model I'm wearing now. I wanted to create a sort of burning flames. I don't know how close is this model to burning flames, but I like how it looks.

Al doilea model pe care vreau sa vi-l arat este cel al fiicei mele. Mi-a cerut sa ii fac pe unghii fete zambitoare. Nu pot sa fac mare lucru pe unghiutele ei mici. Oricum, sunt foarte mandra de ea ca a reusit sa isi pastreze modelul pe unghii mai mult de 2 zile :D
The second model I want to show you is my daughter's request. She wanted smiling faces. I can't do too much on her tinny nails. Anyway, I am very proud of her because she kept this model on her nails more than 2 days :D
Sper ca v-au placut.
Hope you like them.
Thanks for watching.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My first Halloween model

Acesta este primul meu model de Halloween. Initial am vrut sa fac un model cu panza de paianjen; am incercat sa vad cum arata pe o bucata de hartie, dar nu mi-a placut ce-a iesit. Asa ca m-am hotarat sa fac modelul asta cu "sange" si cranii.
Dupa ce am terminat modelul, m-am bagat direct in pat pentru ca era foarte tarziu si imi cadeau ochii de somn. Dimineata modelul avea "cute" :(
Am incercat sa il repar si asta este tot ce am putut sa fac.

This is my first Halloween model. Initially I wanted to make a spider web design; I tried to see how it looks on a piece of paper, but I didn't like it. Therefore, I decided to make this one, with "blood" and stamped skulls.
After finishing the model I went directly to bed, it was very late. In the morning, my model was "folded" :(
I tried to repair it and this is the best I could do.

Sper ca v-a placut.

Hope you like it.
Thanks for watching.